YBS Statutes
Statutes for the Awards
- The Yashraj Bharati Samman will be instituted by the Yashraj Research Foundation as an independent program.
- The Foundation has the power to monitor all financial matters for the award. YBS financial transactions shall be subject to an annual scrutiny by the Foundation.
- However, the Foundation will play no part in the nomination and selection process for the Samman. Any information regarding the nomination and selection process will be communicated to the Foundation after the completion of annual cycle of awards. The only exception to this rule will be the Trustee appointed by the Foundation to the Advisory Board.
The Yashraj Bharati Samman will be accorded to individuals/organizations for exemplary work in three categories -
1. YBS for Innovation in Healthcare
2. YBS for Transforming People’s Lives
3. YBS for Ethical Governance - There will be a maximum of three awardees each year.
- The Yashraj Bharati Samman can be conferred on an individual, an organization, an institution or a social enterprise, given that they have performed outstanding work in their category.
- If the awardee is an organization/institution/social enterprise, the award will be presented to the current head, unless otherwise stated by the Grand Jury in the form of another name of a member of the awardee organization/institution/social enterprise.
The Samman will be presented annually at the Yashraj Bharati Samman Awards Ceremony, to be held on 16th March every year. For each awardee, the award will include:
1. Yashraj Bharati Samman Trophy
2. Citation
3. A sum of Rs. 1 Crore
- The Samman money will be subject to increment through an annual process of evaluation, which will take into consideration the changes in economy and money value. Although both Advisory Board and Technical Secretariat can be included in the deliberation and evaluation, the final decision for the increment of award money lies with the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.
- The award can be accorded for both innovation (invention) as well as implementation of a technology or model which brings about social transformation.
- Although the Grand Jury will be advised to give primary preference to recent work of the Nominees, the Jurists also reserve the right to accord the award based on an assessment of the overall career of an individual or past initiatives/achievements of an organization.
- Nomination for the Yashraj Bharati Samman is open to all and can be accessed by registering on the Yashraj Bharati Samman Website. Any person can choose to nominate self or other individual/organisation/institution/social enterprise through the website’s nomination page.
- Applications received in a particular year will be open for consideration for the next 3 cycles. However, the Technical Secretariat will consider the nominee again, if they receive fresh nomination citing works of the same individual/organization in the 4th cycle.
- If the Technical Secretariat receives a nomination after the last date of submission in the current cycle of awards, the said nominations will be considered in the forthcoming cycle. Any exception to this rule will be notified to the nominee/nominator on their registered email.
- The position of the Chair of Grand Jury will be offered to a Jurist by the Technical Secretariat in consultation with the YBS Advisory Board and Board of Trustees of the Foundation.
- The final awardees will be selected by the YBS Grand Jury, convened by the Chair of the Jury. The decision of the Grand Jury will be final and irrevocable.
- There will be no system for appeals or re-consideration once the Grand Jury has conveyed their decision on the awardees.
- The details of Grand Jury deliberations as well as the documents submitted to Jury are strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to the public, until the Technical Secretariat and YBS Advisory Board unanimously decides to make them public.
- The Grand Jury has the right to abstain from giving a Samman for a particular category for the award cycle of a specific year. The Grand Jury will also provide a reason, citing the need to abstain, to the Technical Secretariat. However, the Jury has the right to abstain in only one category during a specific cycle and will have to definitely decide on awardees on the remaining categories.
- The Technical Secretariat reserves the right to enlist the help of domain experts for each award category as Expert Jurists. The Secretariat also has the right to invite an Expert Jurist (both at the beginning or during any phase of the Awards Cycle) on the YBS Grand Jury panel.
Statutes regarding the Nominees:
The nominee must fall in one of the following 4 types:
a) Individual (working independently or within an organisation)
b) Organisation (including specific projects run by an organisation)
c) Institutions (academic as well as research based institutions)
d) Social enterprises (established enterprises as well as start-ups) - In case of individuals, the nominee may or may not be a citizen of India but their primary place of work must be located within the Indian geographical territory
- In case of organisations, institutions or social enterprises the nominee must have a registered office in India and their primary place of work must lie within the country
- Yashraj Bharati Samman is open for self-nomination as well as nomination in the name of other individuals/organisations/institutions/social enterprises.
- In case of any conflict of interest, the right of nominee will be upheld first
- The details of the Nominators, Nominees or Self-nomination applicants are confidential, until the time the YBS Technical Secretariat and YBS Advisory Committee chooses to make it public.
- Any individual/organization will only be considered by the Technical Secretariat and the Grand Jury through the process of nomination. There is no other way to submit a nomination.
- In the case of individuals, an award can not be accorded posthumously. However, there is scope for consideration on this aspect under special circumstances, only after a unanimous agreement by the Technical Secretariat, the YBS Advisory Board and the Grand Jury.
- The Technical Secretariat reserves the right to revoke the award conferred on an individual/organization. However, the decision to do the same must be unanimously passed by the Technical Secretariat, the YBS Advisory Board and the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.
- The Nominator/Nominee provides consent for all procedures and decision related to the Samman by sending the Nomination form.